apartment for 4 guests,
60 m2,
3 floor 3-s -storey building
The owner
flat description
Apartments (Kulisha 15) were placed in the historical center of the city, in the 3rd quarter. walk to Rinok Square and the Opera House on 15 Panteleimon Kulish Street. The apartment has two insulated bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Dizaynerskі INTER "єri scorched permit Povny mіroyu vіdpochiti In kozhnіy of them velikі dvospalnі lіzhka have kozhnіy spalnі Je plazmovy televіzor that dіyuchі elektrokamіni Je konditsіoner Suchasna kitchen obladnana usієyu neobhіdnoyu pobutovoyu tehnіkoyu i Judge:.
... Stove, vityazhka, refrigerator, electric kettle, obіdnіy style, armchairs, dishes. Bath room with new plumbing. The apartment has individual scorching, hot and cold water.