1-rooms. house for 2 guests, 50 m2
The owner
flat description
Zdaєmo vіp-budinochok have little Єvropeyskomu mіstechku Mukachevo Palanok in rayonі, bilja castle Palanok- for dvoh zakohanih, Yakscho vi wants of comfort vіdpochiti, mi zaproshuєmo you have our Budinok studіyu de vigotovleno all of ekologіchnoї sirovini, wood, ruchnoї roboti- (furnitures), warmth wards with weather-resistant materias, all the way are decorated with precious wallpaper and everything is in modern style.
Keep clean, quiet, hot, hot water. current "Latoriia" і misse d For parking, entrust route zupinka to the center misa 2.5 km. Gospodarii, sweet and gracious, (quiet), lively and graciously home-made wine !!! Cheka дворmo for you!