квартира для 7 гостей,
85 м2,
15 поверх 19-ти поверхового будинку
Власник квартири
опис квартири
Price depends on number of guests and days stay. Proposed luxury apartment in the new house, renovated. Located on the Volokolamsk Highway (Pavshinskaya floodplain) 1.5 km from Moscow on Volokolamsk highway, 12 min walk to m.Myakinino, 10 minutes transport from the metro Tushino, Mitino, Volokolamsk, Strogino.
Walking distance to Crocus-Expo (5 min walk). Superior Apartment with an area of 85 sq.m. The spacious kitchen with all appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, a set of all the necessary utensils, tea, coffee, sugar), in the room a large double bed, a second sofa, in the kitchen sofa, folding bed on the seventh guest, LCD TV, cable TV, wi fi internet. The apartment has 2 air conditioners, 2 balconies, 2 bedrooms, cozy kitchen, large spacious closets, a dining table, a work desk, heated floors, ironing board, iron, jacuzzi, separate toilet (also included hygiene products, hair dryers, slippers, clean towels each guest) Cozy apartment 7 beds. Call. Oksana.